Without a doubt, the MOST important thing to everyone at Deputy Electric Ltd is the Safety of all employees, our customers and the general public. No job is worth doing if it can cause harm to a person or to property. Deputy Electric Ltd has created a safety program that is recognized by the Construction Safety Association of Manitoba (CSAM) and is SECOR (Small Employer Certificate Of Recognition) certified.
In fact, in the process of obtaining Deputy Electric’s SECOR Certification Darren Wojcik, the president of Deputy Electric has created a website complete with Apple and Android Smartphone Apps to help companies complete and maintain their own COR or SECOR safety programs. The amount of paperwork to complete and maintain a safety program like this is overwhelming to many and this is why many contractors feel they are unable to develop their own Safety Program. Darren created TransFORM Safety Inc so that all the paperwork required can be filled out on a Smartphone or Tablet instead of with pen and paper. The time it takes to complete the “paperwork” is done in a fraction of the time and the Due Diligence is better than just paper and all forms can be filed electronically and is so easy to operate anyone can use it.